Quem é a mula?

Quem é a mula?

Como usual, o muar tem a mesma nacionalidade que eu e a maioria dos leitores deste blog.

Vejam o que ele/a zurrou:

An alternative solution as extreme as dollarization or the adoption of a currency board is a fully free floating rate. This option is actually more radical than a fixed exchange rate, given that, whereas we have examples of fixed exchange rates, I know of no country that has adopted a fully free float.

O primeiro que acertar recebe um precatório derivativo emitido pelo “O”, redimível quando o estado de São Paulo honrar seus precatórios.


- Argentina
A surpreendente admiração de alguns pelo "modelo" argentino - que levou a uma queda do PIB de 11%, inflacao de 41%, desemprego de quase 30%  - levou-me a recuperar este artigo de Stiglitz de Maio de 2002 em que analisa as causas da crise Argentina...

- The Euro: Monetary Unity To Political Disunity?
A common currency is an excellent monetary arrangement under some circumstances, a poor monetary arrangement under others. Whether it is good or bad depends primarily on the adjustment mechanisms that are available to absorb the economic shocks and dislocations...

- Full Metal Jacket
• Unlike some of its Latin American peers, Brazil has never managed to actually get inflation fluctuating symmetrically around the target. Typically the distribution of observed inflation deviation from the target has been tilted to the right, indicating...

- O Padrão Do Dólar
Our Dollar, Your Problem In his new book, The Unloved Dollar Standard: From Bretton Woods to the Rise of China, McKinnon explains some uncomfortable truths. The dollar standard is unloved because of what one US Treasury secretary told his foreign critics...

- Sobre- E Subvalorização Das Taxas De Câmbio Em Termos De Poder De Compra E Renda
THE Economist’s Big Mac index is a fun guide to whether currencies are at their “correct” level. It is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP), the notion that in the long run exchange rates should move towards the rate that would equalise...

