TPP - novo bloco econômico "Trans-Pacific Partnership"

TPP - novo bloco econômico "Trans-Pacific Partnership"

Free-trade agreements - Opening up the Pacific

MOST Americans have not heard of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a free-trade area of countries dotted around the Pacific Ocean. They will soon. This weekend it has suddenly emerged as the most promising trade liberalisation initiative since the Doha round of world-trade talks stalled in 2008. On November 11th, Japan, the world’s third-largest economy, announced its intention to join America and eight other countries in negotiating what its advocates hope will emerge as the new gold standard for free trade in the world’s most dynamic economic zone...


- Comércio Internacional
This video seeks to make the point that if international trade is beneficial when a domestic industry is competitive, it's even more so when that domestic industry is a monopoly. International free trade can force a monopolist to produce as if it...

- A Nova Divisão De América Latina
"‪#‎Brazil‬ is becoming Argentina, ‪#‎Argentina‬ is becoming Venezuela, and ‪#‎Venezuela‬ is becoming Zimbabwe." |  There are two Latin Americas right now. The first is a bloc of countries—including Brazil,...

- China E O Livre Comércio
America vs China: “Free Trade Is Only for Friends,” Says Prof. D’Aveni By Bernice Napach China is the second biggest economy in the world and has been the engine for global growth. But now China is expected to grow at its slowest rate in...

- Economia Internacional: Novos Aspectos
The Economist: "... Kei-Mu Yi, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, argues that trade has fallen so fast and so uniformly around the world largely because of the rise of “vertical specialisation”, or global supply chains. This...

- Economia Internacional: Trade World Report
Documentação anual do Banco Mundial sobre o comércio internacional, o "Trade World Report". Veja: Conteúdo "... Trade has allowed nations to benefit from specialization and economies of scale...

