Bernanke: Implicações da Crise Financeira Para a Economia
Bom discurso de Ben Bernanke, presidente do Fed, em Princeton. Útil para quem dá aulas de macroeconomia e finanças e para quem deseja desenvolver críticas consistentes ao estado das artes da teoria macroeconômica:
In the remainder of my remarks, I will focus on the implications of the crisis for what I have been calling economic science, that is, basic economic research and analysis. I will first provide a few examples of how economic principles and economic research, rather than having misled us, have significantly enhanced our understanding of the crisis and are informing the regulatory response. However, the crisis did reveal some gaps in economists' knowledge that should be remedied. I will discuss some of these gaps and suggest possible directions for future research that could ultimately help us achieve greater financial and macroeconomic stability."
Também recomendo a discussão iniciada pela The Economist, mencionada em post abaixo.
Nobel Prize 2011.
American Economists Share Nobel Prize - NYT
The Nobel prize in economic science was awarded Monday to Thomas J. Sargent at New York University and Christopher A. Sims at Princeton University for their research looking at the cause-and-effect relationship...
As Causas Da Crise Financeira Global
Cato UnboundThe Real Problem was Nominalby Scott Sumner
Lead Essay
September 14th, 2009A recent series of articles in The Economist argued that the current financial crisis has exposed important flaws in modern economic theory. I will make a slightly...
A Situação Atual Da Teoria Macroeconômica
Referências bibliográficas sobre o status da teoria macroeconômica atual:
ReferencesAndrew, E. (2008). "Greenspan Concedes Error on Regulation." The New York Times. October 23, 2008. Buchanan, J. (2009). "Economists Have No Clothes." Perspectives...
Sobre Keynes E Os Keynesianos
Niall Ferguson: "... It was said of the Bourbons that they forgot nothing and learned nothing. The same could easily be said of some of today’s latter-day Keynesians. They cannot and never will forget the policy errors made in the US in the 1930s. But...
Robert Barro Comenta A Grande Depressão E A Crise Financeira Recente
Ele indica também cinco livros para entender estas crises. Vale ainda a pena mencionar duas passagens de sua entrevista: So what else should I be reading on the Great Depression? There’s Ben Bernanke’s research in the 1980s – that’s probably...