Bank of England

Bank of England

"I set to work to read the Act of Parliament by which the Bank of England was created. The investors knew what they were about. Their design was to mortgage by degrees the whole of the The scheme has produced what the world never saw before -- starvation in the midst of abundance." -- William Cobbett, "The Political Register", XVIII, July 14 th, 1810.


- Padrão Ouro
"In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone...

- A Nova Política Monetária Americana
Woodford’s Theories Rooted in Japan Slump Embraced by Bernanke By Rich Miller The Federal Reserve is buying mortgage-backed securities and has stated it will keep interest rates low until unemployment falls. The Bank of Canada under Mark...

- Entenda O "jogo De Ponzi"
Gary North explica: "... Carlo "Charles" Ponzi was a con man who was the Bernie Madoff of his era. For two years, 1918 to 1920, he sold an impossible dream: a scheme to earn investors 50% profit in 45 days. He paid off old investors with money generated...

- Política Monetária De Metas De Inflação
How Flexible Can Inflation Targeting Be and Still Work? Kenneth N. Kuttner and Adam S. Posen Abstract This paper takes up the issue of the flexibility of inflation targeting regimes, with the specific goal of determining whether the monetary policy...

- Taxas De Juro 2011 ("policy Rates" Dos Bancos Centrais)
Taxas de juro anuais (Abril 2011)• Bank of Canada                   1.00%•Bank of England                   ...

