A nova política monetária americana

A nova política monetária americana

Woodford’s Theories Rooted in Japan Slump Embraced by Bernanke

The Federal Reserve is buying mortgage-backed securities and has stated it will keep interest rates low until unemployment falls. The Bank of Canada under Mark Carney likewise made an explicit promise about how long rates would be held down, and Carney is now bringing this practice to the Bank of England. The European Central Bank, led by Mario Draghi, has refined how it communicates its interest-rate intentions. 


- Repeteco (agora Com A Turquia)
TURKEY’S BRAZIL'S ruling Justice and Development (AK) Workers' Party (PT) party is expected to win won a third term of single-party rule at next month’s last year's election, even though some voters fret about its autocratic ways....

- Banco Central Americano Ganha $ 100 Bi Em Juros
Fed’s interest earnings approach $100b By Kevin G. Hall McClatchy Washington BureauMarch 20, 2015  The Federal Reserve building in Washington, D.C., August 30, 2013 CHUCK MYERS — MCTWASHINGTON —...

- Artigos Sobre Política Monetária
Sources “Rules rather than discretion: The inconsistency of optimal plans”, by F. Kydland and E. Prescott, Journal of Political Economy, 1977 “Methods of Policy Accommodation at the Interest-Rate Lower Bound”, by Michael Woodford, Columbia...

- Taxas De Juro 2011 ("policy Rates" Dos Bancos Centrais)
Taxas de juro anuais (Abril 2011)• Bank of Canada                   1.00%•Bank of England                   ...

- As Orígens Da Crise
John B. Taylor identifica a política monetária excessiva como a causa da crise:"... Monetary excesses were the main cause of the boom. The Fed held its target interest rate, especially in 2003-2005, well below known monetary guidelines that say what...

