Aprendendo com os furacões

Aprendendo com os furacões

"Making a virtue out of a necessity: Hurricanes and the resilience of community organization" - artigo de Robert D. Holt publicado nos "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" de 6 de Fevereiro de 2006:
«Most of us these days are all too aware of the disruptive impact of hurricanes in human affairs. Yet disturbances ranging from minor local disruptions to massive large-scale catastrophes are part-and-parcel of life in most natural ecosystems.

These disturbances often provide scientific opportunities, because sometimes one learns the most about how a system functions by watching it recover after it has been kicked by a major disturbance. Ecologists increasingly recognize that the structure of natural communities reflects the interplay of processes acting over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales that are well beyond the scope of manipulative experiments.

The article by Schoener and Spiller provides a deft testament to the insights that can sometimes be gleaned from "natural" experiments generated by large-scale disturbances, which permit an examination of system responses that could not be readily examined with manipulative experiments.»


- Acontecimentos únicos
"Historical contingency and the purported uniqueness of evolutionary innovations", artigo de Geerat J. Vermeij publicado nos "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" de 7 de Fevereiro de 2006.«Many events in the history of life are thought to...

- Diferenciação
"The brain differentiates human and non-human grammars: Functional localization and structural connectivity", artigo de Angela D. Friederici, Jörg Bahlmann, Stefan Heim, Ricarda I. Schubotz e Alfred Anwander publicado nos "Proceedings of the National...

- Erros Nas Ciências
"At least all sources of error that occur in the natural sciences also occur in the social sciences: or, in other words the statistical problems of the social sciences cannot be less serious than those of the natural sciences. Consequently, the treatment...

- Uma Autópsia Do Sistema Financeiro Americano
O abstract do recente artigo de Ross Levine é o seguinte: "In this postmortem, I find that the design, implementation, and maintenance of financial policies during the period from 1996 through 2006 were primary causes of the financial system’s demise....

- Open Source Science
"Is there a model for encouraging large-scale scientific problem solving? Yes, and it comes from an unexpected and unrelated corner of the universe: open source software development" Via, Selva....

