Afrouxamento quantitativo
Why Didn't Quantitative Easing Lead To Hyperinflation?
By Adam Hayes | February 26, 2015
So where did all the M0 money go if it wasn't multiplied through the credit system? The answer is that banks and financial institutions hoarded the money in order to shore up their own balance sheets and regain profitability. Banks still had bad loans and toxic assets on their balance sheets as a result of the housing bubble burst and its aftershocks. The extra cash on hand made their financial picture look a whole lot better. As the economy has recovered and the fed has begun tapering its interventions, the money being held by banks is being returned to the Fed slowly in the form of interest payments on the debts purchased during QE. Meanwhile, the U.S. economy on the whole has remained productive and growing.
E Se "salvar" Os Bancos Não For Suficiente ?
(Re)lendo o relatório do FMI (Global Financial Stability Report) notei (pag. 24) que do 1,4 milhões de milhões de dólares de estimativas de perdas "apenas" 725-820 mil milhões (ou seja cerca de 55%) afectam os balanços dos bancos. Do restante, 150-250...
From Bernanke With Love
Esta é uma carta fictícia do Bernanke para o Mantega, aparentemente publicada no FT. Tem um erro (fica para vocês apontarem). Já o resto é verdade. Currency wars Published: January 11 2011 15:12 Dear Mr Mantega, Being frustrated politicians ourselves,...
Política Monetária Europeia
ECB Says Overnight Deposits Fall to Lowest in Seven Months
By Jana Randow - Jul 12, 2012 6:52 AM GMT-0300
The European Central Bank said overnight deposits from financial institutions dropped by more than half to the lowest level...
Bancos E Governos
Phillip Bagus explica: "... Today's banks are not free-market institutions. They live in a symbiosis with governments that they are financing. The banks' survival depends on privileges and government interventions. Such an intervention explains...
Política Monetária
Oct. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil, the world's biggest exporter of beef, sugar and coffee, may ease bank reserve requirements for a fourth time in two weeks to free up lending for farmers, Agriculture Minister Reinhold Stephanes said.
Brazilian banks need...