A Tragédia dos Comuns: Versão Musical

A Tragédia dos Comuns: Versão Musical

"Good for me, good for you, bad for us" é a essência da tragédia dos comuns, bem capturada pelo refrão da música (a letra segue abaixo) . Mais videos interessantes sobre o tema estão aqui, com uma aula da Elinor Ostrom e o Stossel Show com o economista Russ Roberts.

The commons give good grazing to my sheep
It gives me wool and meat so very cheap
They also give good grazing to my sheep
It gives me meat and wool and real good sleep!

Good for me (good for you) and good for you (good for me)
But it is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad for us
Good for me (good for you) and good for you (good for me)
But it is bad and thats the tragedy of the commons

The sea has always given me my fish
Its my old ecological niche
The ocean gives me too what I could wish
of tuna, cod and yummy seafood quiche

Right for me (right for you) and right for you (right for me)
But its wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong for us
Right for me (right for you) and right for you (right for me)
But it is wrong and thats the tragedy of the commons

Well Im so glad I have this atmosphere
Where I can put my exhausts! Lovely, dear!
And I can use the same old sea of air
I burn my gas and this is only fair (So we can share!)

Fine for me (fine for you) and fine for you (fine for me)
Yeah, but it sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks for us
Fine for me (fine for you) and fine for you (fine for me)
Yeah but it sucks and thats the tragedy of the commons

So what shall we do about it? The tragedy of the commons
(Can we see whats good for us?)
Transparency (We can see whats good for us)
and awareness (We can see whats good for us)
Common rules (We can do whats good for us)
made by ourselves (really do whats good for us)
Whats good for us is good for me (So whats the buzz? Whats the fuss?)
But whats good for me may not be good for us (gotta do whats good for us!)
Thank you elinor ostrom (you made us see whats good for us)
A pool of water, a pool of air, (We can see whats good for us)
a pool of fish we all must share (We can see whats good for us)
An Atmosphere a lithosphere (We can see whats good for us)
A Hydrosphere, a biosphere (We can see whats good for us)


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