A rede da divida soberana europeia

A rede da divida soberana europeia

Credit-Default Swap Risk Bomb Is Wired to Explode: Mark Buchanan
The European sovereign debt crisis stands as the latest in a long line of similar crises. Argentinain 2001. Russia in 1998. Mexico in 1994. The list goes back into history. Debt crises are about as natural as earthquakes, but this time there is something different -- and possibly more dangerous.
The European nations are linked in a network of debts, as Bill Marsh recently illustrated in the New York Times with a beautiful piece of graphic art. Greece and Italy are prominent; Ireland, Portugal and Spain lurk ominously nearby. France and Germany seem exposed, too, as does the U.S.


- A Call To Action: Eu Leaders Must Act To Save The Euro And Avoid A Recession
"The Eurozone crisis is coming to a head. This column is an open letter to European leaders imploring them to take decisive action this week. Any more delays could mark the end of the Eurozone as we know it. The debt crisis has reached the core of the...

- A Crise Da Dívida Europeia
Understanding the European Crisis Now Countries with too much sovereign debt have increasingly found it difficult to raise the money they need at affordable rates in the financial markets. At the same time, banks in many of these countries have come...

- A Orígem Da Crise Europeia
To Thrive, Euro Countries Must Cut Welfare State By Fredrik Erixon  "...Take the four countries at the epicenter of the euro-area crisis: Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. They are in many ways different, but they have three important characteristics...

- Crise Da Dívida Soberana Na Europa - Mapa Interativa
European economies Europe's deepening crisis Nov 10th 2011, 17:48 by The Economist online THE interactive graphic ... (updated November 10th 2011) illustrates the depth of the problems that the European economy faces. The euro-zone crisis reached...

- Crise Financeira: Uma Interpretação
Esta interpretação é da Comissão de Investigação da Crise Financeira (Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission) do Congresso americano. Os membros da comissão encerram o documento da seguinte forma: Reinhart and Rogoff also find that financial crises...

