Crise Financeira: Uma Interpretação

Crise Financeira: Uma Interpretação

Esta interpretação é da Comissão de Investigação da Crise Financeira (Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission) do Congresso americano. Os membros da comissão encerram o documento da seguinte forma:

Reinhart and Rogoff also find that financial crises often precede sovereign debt crises, given the rapid increase in public debt. To this end, it is not by pure coincidence that our Commission was set up at roughly the same time as the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, which recently presented its report on the looming fiscal crisis in our country.
In their panoramic study of financial crises and the debt crises that follow, Reinhart and Rogoff identify perhaps the four most dangerous words expressed by investors, regulators, and policymakers before a crash: “This time is different.” We could not agree more. We caution our nation’s leaders to learn the appropriate lessons from history and take seriously the need to reduce our federal deficit.

O documento todo é muito claro e objetivo, provendo uma excelente introdução à crise financeira de 2007-2008. Gostaria de acreditar que o nosso Congresso consiga constituir comissões de mesmo nível.


- Repressão Financeira
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- Database De Crises Financeiras 1970-2007
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- Os Limites Da Dívida Publica
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- A Futura Da Dívida Pública: Calote
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- Lições Da História E A Dívida Americana
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