A Espanha por aí

A Espanha por aí

Vale a pena ler:
O New York Times já olha para a Itália

No Naked Capitalism, algumas dicas sobre as razões que levam os governos a adiar a reestruturação dos bancos: Finland Trying to Dictate Terms of Spanish Bank Bailout: “No Funds to Bad Banks”

No The Economist "(...) There is no "solution" to the debt crisis that is pain-free; we are merely arguing about how the pain is distributed. Who ends up with the Old Maid?"

No The Telegraph:  Spain Blinks -  It would be unkind to say that Spain has capitulated, but that is almost certainly what has happened.


- Ler Os Outros: Choices For Greece - Tyler Cowen
"(...) If it left the euro zone, Greece could reap the substantial benefits of a currency depreciation, but doing so would also set off huge runs on banks. And the country has no alternative paper currency ready for use. If you are a euro optimist, you...

- Crise Da Zona Do Euro - Mapa Interativo

- A Crise Da Dívida Europeia
Understanding the European Crisis Now Countries with too much sovereign debt have increasingly found it difficult to raise the money they need at affordable rates in the financial markets. At the same time, banks in many of these countries have come...

- A Orígem Da Crise Europeia
To Thrive, Euro Countries Must Cut Welfare State By Fredrik Erixon  "...Take the four countries at the epicenter of the euro-area crisis: Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. They are in many ways different, but they have three important characteristics...

Discussões bastante futuristas Discussões assaz futuristas nesta matéria. Trechos: In a session on "BioPolitics and the Concept of Human Nature," Alin Fumurescu, a political scientist from the University of Missouri, discussed "The Neuroendocrinology...

