A crisa da dívida - coleção de dados

A crisa da dívida - coleção de dados

AS WE approach the five-year anniversary of the debt crisis (subprime lenders were getting into trouble from the end of 2006 onwards, but the big shock came in August 2007) it seems worth reviewing the impact on various financial and economic indicators. As this is a blog post, I've taken a short cut; looking at the table that appeared in the Economist of August 4th 2007* and comparing it with the table that will appear in tomorrow's edition. Let's start with unemployment and inflation.
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IT SEEMS right to add figures on GDP to yesterday's post on inflation and unemployment. So here are the numbers from the OECD. The change is in real GDP from the second quarter of 2007 to the first quarter of 2012, except for Greece (where the data is up to the first quarter of 2011).


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