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Só para fugir do assunto - e voltar ao meu outro assunto predileto (além da Sabrina Parlatore, ou do BBB) - aí vai um bom comentário que nada tem a ver com Economia, mas sim com o genial Anime Excel Saga:

What good will my opinions be for this anime? This anime probably won't appeal to everyone. If you're looking for a solid plot line with great character development, then you've come to the wrong place. If you're lookin to kick back, relax, and watch some nice light hearted comedy, then this is the anime for you. Overall, I thought this anime was great. Even though the story took a backseat in this anime, that wasn't the point. Excel Saga successfully managed to be the craziest, most outrageous anime I have seen so far. I can't really think of any downsides. I think the music for the most part wasn't too great. I never really noticed the music in the background. It might also be that Excel talked so freaking much that there was no time to pay attention to the music (must frantically read subs!). However, this doesn't include the opening or the ending which I thought were great and nicely done. I think what I liked most about this anime was just the pure randomness of it. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is predictable in this anime. Just from the beginning of the first episode, you see Excel going home from school wildly yelling out "Across" without any regard for her surroundings, and the next thing you know, she's rammed by a bus and killed. Who would've guessed it? On top of that, Pedro has to be one of the funniest characters in anime. His simple "NOOOO~~!!!" can bring out so many laughs. Speaking of Pedro, his accent when he speaks Japanese is just plain awesome. I can't describe it. Of course, you gotta love it when the characters try to talk in English. Excel said some pretty interesting English phrases in there. There's just too much to talk about. Every episode has so many new and unexpected things. You just gotta see it to believe it.


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