
Você sabe mesmo do que está falando? (I - Demanda e utilidade)

Então você passou em Economia, graduou-se...mas você entendeu mesmo aquilo? Bem, hoje vou colocar aqui um conceito simples, com uma explicação que parece boba, mas que pega muita gente boa de serviço (obviamente, aluno nenhum meu lerá isto e, claro, eu vou cobrar isso em alguma prova....)

When I ask students taking an exam or quiz to explain why the demand curve is the same as the marginal value curve, most of them think they know the answer--and most of them are wrong. The problem seems to be a confusion based on an imprecise verbal argument. It sounds very simple: "Your demand is how much you demand something, which is the same as how much you value it" or, alternatively, "Your demand is how much you are willing to pay for it, which is how much you value it." But both of those explanations are wrong. Your demand curve shows not how much you demand it but how much of it you demand--a quantity, not an intensity of feeling.



- O Que Tem Me Afastado Do Blog
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- Emprego E Capital
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- A Lei De Say Na Versão De James Mill
"When goods are carried to market what is wanted is somebody to buy. But to buy, one must have the wherewithal to pay. It is obviously therefore the collective means of payment which exist in the whole nation constitute the entire market of the nation....

Divertido!! Division of Labour: Even a smart Supreme Court Justice can have trouble with supply and demand analysis JUSTICE STEVENS: Let me ask this question. What is your view with respect to the impact of the activities concerned in this case...

