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Peacekeepers, Inc. by P.W. Singer - Policy Review, No. 119

"Given the fact that few have even heard of it, the privatized military industry is a surprisingly big business. It has several hundred companies, operating in over 100 countries on six continents, and over $100 billion in annual global revenue. In fact, with the recent purchase of mpri (a Virginia-based military advisory company) by the Fortune 500 firm l-3, many Americans already own slices of the industry in their 401(k)s. In the immediate aftermath of the September 11 attacks, the industry was one of the few to rise in stock valuation rather than plummet. The reason is that the attacks essentially lodged a “security tax” on the economy, from which the private military industry stands to benefit".


- Comércio Internacional
This video seeks to make the point that if international trade is beneficial when a domestic industry is competitive, it's even more so when that domestic industry is a monopoly. International free trade can force a monopolist to produce as if it...

- Milton Friedman: Conselhos Ao Governo Da Índia, 1955
O Memorando inteiro deveria ser entregue ao Ministro Mantega, mas a parte sobre política industrial salta à vista: "Just as it is inappropriate to discriminate in favour of the cottage industries, so it is equally  inappropriate to discriminate...

Recordar é viver... Este é velho, mas hoje uma aluna foi lá na sala tirar dúvidas. Eu não resisti e tive de lhe falar sobre o tema. Aqui vai um trecho + o link. Is Christmas Inefficient?: "After hundreds of years of attacks on Christmas,...

Iraque, petróleo e a "Dutch (Political) Disease" que vem aí Iraquianos não terão um bom futuro, na minha opinião. Eles ainda insistem em manter a produção do petróleo estatizada e não pensaram em nenhum tipo de arranjo a la Alaska para o setor....

Novas no front musical Tectonic Change In Music Industry Steve Jobs, Apple's chief executive, has succeeded in a major coup, forcing tectonic change in an industry notorious for its dinosaur pace and dragon tactics. Since the late 1990s,...

