
Mais pistas sobre o preço do petróleo atual

E bem didáticas.

March 23, 2004, 8:48 a.m. - Why Are Oil Prices So High? - Several reasons — but a new era of high prices is not upon us. (Frederick P. Leuffer)


- The Tide, The Wave, The Crest
• Brazilian exports enjoyed a phenomenal run during the last 10 years, even facing a major international crisis in 2009: deducting dollar inflation (PPI), they rose at an astounding pace of 12% per annum, while the preceding 10 years growth averaged...

- Previsões Do Fmi 2011 E 2012.
Latin America and the Caribbean is expected to expand by 4½ percent in 2011 and to moderate to about 4 percent in 2012. Although the slowdown in advanced economies is projected to have only a moderate effect in most countries, large risks to the outlook...

- Economia Brasileira
Brazil’s economy More inflation, less growth In fact, the headline figure underestimates inflationary pressures. If the federal government had not capped petrol prices, and municipalities frozen public-transport fares before October’s local elections,...

- Choque De Preços Rio +20
Foreigners Cry Foul: Unsustainable Prices at Rio +20 Sustainable Conference 2012 - June 2012 Friday, 15 June 2012 16:21 Food prices at the Rio +20 United Nations Sustainable Development Conference are being considered unsustainable...

- Óbvio E Nem Tão Óbvio Assim
Charles Plosser, Presidente do Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia explica o que Bernake (provavelmente) irá fazer: “If the growth rates of employment and output begin to accelerate or if inflation or inflation expectations begin to rise, then it...

