Óbvio e Nem Tão Óbvio Assim

Óbvio e Nem Tão Óbvio Assim

Charles Plosser, Presidente do Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia explica o que Bernake (provavelmente) irá fazer:

“If the growth rates of employment and output begin to accelerate or if inflation or inflation expectations begin to rise, then it may be time to begin taking our foot off the accelerator”

É óbvio que não faz sentido continuar com QE2 se o estado da economia melhorar. Mas não é tão óbvio assim o próximo comentário:

“It is likely that much of the rise in global commodity prices is driven by increased global demand... a rise in commodity or other input prices does not directly cause more general sustained inflation... if a country’s monetary policy remains very accommodative, it will ultimately permit the prices of other goods and services to rise along with commodity prices, resulting in higher inflation rates.”

Adivinhe quem já escreveu sobre coisa parecida (preço do petróleo) antes?


- Ler Os Outros: Inflation And Debt (wonkish) - Paul Krugman
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- Full Metal Jacket
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- The Tide, The Wave, The Crest
• Brazilian exports enjoyed a phenomenal run during the last 10 years, even facing a major international crisis in 2009: deducting dollar inflation (PPI), they rose at an astounding pace of 12% per annum, while the preceding 10 years growth averaged...

- Mutatis Mutandis (ou, Poupando O Trabalho Da "the Economist")
Five years ago a shipload of iron ore bought 2,200 flatscreen TVs, says Glenn Stevens Alexandre Tombini, governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Brazilian Central Bank (BCB). Now it buys 22,000. The terms of Australia Brazil's trade—the...

- Yada, Yada, Yada
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