Qual o impacto marginal de um economista na opinião pública?
Pergunta boa, né? As bobagens que você, estudante de Economia (e nós, economista) ouvimos por aí não são culpa apenas da cegueira ideológica. Há ignorância também.
De qualquer forma, será que somos influentes? O abstract abaixo é do texto de dois economistas, Skedinger e Johansson (formato pdf). Divirta-se.
We investigate the recent public debate on globalization and the extent of economist involvement. The study is limited to Swedish economists and the Swedish debate. Do free trade and free capital movements contribute to economic growth and wealth, or do regulations and government controls perform better? Some countries have chosen free trade, others protectionism. Evaluating and spreading research results about these policy experiments should be a prime concern for economists.
Tpp - Novo Bloco Econômico "trans-pacific Partnership"
Free-trade agreements - Opening up the Pacific MOST Americans have not heard of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a free-trade area of countries dotted around the Pacific Ocean. They will soon. This weekend it has suddenly emerged as the most promising...
A Importância Do Livre Comércio
"Contrary to what skeptics often assert, the case for free trade is robust. It extends not just to overall prosperity (or “aggregate GNP”), but also to distributional outcomes, which makes the free-trade argument morally compelling as well." Bhagwati...
Livre Comércio E Os Economistas
É praticamente consenso entre os economistas de que o livre comércio seja benéfico. Essa percepção ultrapassa barreiras de escola de pensamento (pelo menos das escolas de pensamento que fazem parte do mainline, como os clássicos, os neoclássicos...
Sim, é fato: muito governo pode impedir o "espetáculo do crescimento"
Texto em pdf.
Trade, Regulations, and Growth - Bineswaree Bolaky Caroline Freund*
University of Maryland The World Bank - March 2004
Abstract: Trade does not stimulate growth...
Republicanos = Democratas?
Republicanos nunca foram libertários. Menos ainda em 2003...
Trechos: "The Republican Party has changed too, for the worse; it is becoming the party of big government. With the GOP in full control of the White House and...