
O governo brasileiro tomou a decisão correta em 2003 ?

O Blanchard fez as contas e concluiu que :

This paper argues that this is the situation the Brazilian economy found itself in in 2002 and 2003. It presents a model of the interaction between the interest rate, the exchange rate, and the probability of default, in a high-debt high-risk-aversion economy such as Brazil during that period. (...)

(...) Despite its commitment to inflation targeting, and an increase in inflation from mid-2002 on, the Brazilian Central Bank did not increase the real interest rate until the beginning of 2003. Should it have? The answer given in the paper is that it should not have. In such an environment, the increase in real interest rates would probably have been perverse, leading to an increase in the probability of default, to further depreciation, and to an increase in inflation. The right instrument to decrease inflation was (...)


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