
Óbvio, mas todo mundo erra

Eric Rasmusen ensina Fundamentos de Economia I para crianças. E olha que muito adulto erra...

Does Free Trade Make Welfare State Policies Harder to Maintain? Comparative and Absolute Advantage


- Vantagem Comparativa Obsoleta
Comparative Advantage: An Idea Whose Time Has Passed The Division of Labor Is the Engine That Drives Prosperity Michael Munger The most important principle in economics is opportunity cost. Here’s proof: you can define opportunity cost without...

- Vantagens Comparativas - Uma Perspectiva Histórica
Comparative Advantage in International Trade: A Historical Perspective Hardcover – March, 1999 by Andrea Maneschi  This comprehensive book outlines the theories of trade and the interpretations of comparative advantage associated...

- Os Ganhos Do Comércio
This is the fourth video in the Economics Animated series. This one focuses on the economics of trade. It covers: Voluntary exchange and the gains from trade Production Possibilities Frontiers The opportunity costs of production. Absolute Advantage Comparative...

- Eu Odeio O Termo "competitividade"
Arnold Kling, do Econlog, fez este comentário ao mencionar o empreendedorismo político (entenda-se rent-seeking) da General Electric, cujo CEO foi indicado pelo Presidente Barak Obama para o President's Council sobre Emprego e Competitividade: By...

- Políticas Neoliberais Matam Ou Salvam Vidas?
De acordo com o resumo abaixo, a resposta óbvia (das galinhas tupiniquins) está errada: Do neoliberal economic policies help or hinder human development? Many have argued that such policies promote economic stability and growth, which may have indirect...

