Políticas Neoliberais Matam ou Salvam Vidas?
De acordo com o resumo abaixo, a resposta óbvia (das galinhas tupiniquins) está errada:
Do neoliberal economic policies help or hinder human development? Many have argued that such policies promote economic stability and growth, which may have indirect positive effects on human welfare. Others claim that neoliberal policies retard human development. We argue that neoliberal economic policies may improve the human welfare in ways that are independent of their effects on economic performance. Specifically, this paper hypothesizes that open international trade policies, low-inflation macroeconomic environments, and market-oriented property rights regimes promote human development across the world. We test this argument by examining the impact of several measures of neoliberal policies on infant mortality rates across the world between 1960 and 1999. Results suggest that openness to imports, long-term membership in the GATT and WTO, low rates of inflation, and effective contract enforcement are each associated with lower rates of infant mortality across the world, even when controlling for countries' economic performance.
Ngo's, Relief & Human Rights Organisations:
Amnesty International AusAID Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) CARE Child Wise - ecpat in Australia Crimes of War Project Crisis Web - The National Database of Nonprofit organizations Human Rights Center...
A Armadilha De Ideias Ruins
Bryan Caplan explica:
Thus, the least pleasant places in the world to live normally have three features in common: First, low economic growth; second, policies that discourage growth; and third, resistance to the idea that...
Revolução E Evolução Da Macroeconomia
Revolution and Evolution in Twentieth-Century Macroeconomics
Michael Woodford
Princeton University*
June 1999
The twentieth century has seen profound progress in economic thought.
This has been associated, among other things, with the progress of...
O Modelo Sueco
The Swedish model for economic recovery
Sweden was the world’s third-richest country in 1968 but became a massive welfare state in the 1970s and 1980s and a prototype for how not to run an economy. It slid to No. 17 in the global income rankings...
O Mito Do Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Sustainable Development and Economic Growth
By Wilfred Beckerman
Environmental activists, politicians and celebrities have touted the wisdom of “sustainable development” as though its meaning and value were clear. But...