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Queixa-padrão de muitos: "o modelo não tem incerteza". Bem, duas soluções: jogar o modelo fora e mudar de profissão ou tentar fazer algo a respeito.

Aí embaixo vai um artigo que parece promissor. Pelo menos, ao ler o abstract, experimentei uma sensação de que o trabalho deve ser interessante...

A Bayesian Approach to Model Uncertainty: "Summary: This paper develops the theoretical background for the Limited Information Bayesian Model Averaging (LIBMA). The proposed approach accounts for model uncertainty by averaging over all possible combinations of predictors when making inferences about the variables of interest, and it simultaneously addresses the biases associated with endogenous and omitted variables by incorporating a panel data systems Generalized Method of Moments estimator. Practical applications of the developed methodology are discussed, including testing for the robustness of explanatory variables in the analyses of the determinants of economic growth and poverty."


- Mais De 100 Downloads Já
Nova artigo de pesquisa de Antony Mueller: Além de Keynes de dos Clássicos. Use google tradutor para tradução do inglês.  Participe na discussão Beyond Keynes and the Classics. Outline of the Goods Side/Money Side Model of the Business...

- Além Do Keynes E Os Clássicos
Beyond Keynes and the Classics. Outline of the Goods Side/Money Side Model of the Business Cycle and Macroeconomic Configurations Antony P Mueller UFS - Federal University of Sergipe - Universidade Federal de SergipeJanuary 20, 2014 Abstract:   This...

- O Solow Modelo Do Crescimento Econômico
The Solow Model is a workhorse model of economic growth. Many subsequent papers in growth theory (and in business cycle theory) build on this model. A model of growth helps us to structure our thinking. Why is it, for example, that China is growing faster...

- Causas Da Grande Recessão
Roger FarmerNBER Working Paper No. 17479 Issued in October 2011 NBER Program(s): EFG This paper argues that the stock market crash of 2008, triggered by a collapse in house prices, caused the Great Recession. The paper has three parts. First, it provides...

Um texto sobre "tamanho do governo" que me pareceu interessante: Women Prefer Larger Governments: Growth, Structural Transformation and Government Size Tiago V. de V. Cavalcanti† Jos´e Tavares‡ July 2004 Abstract The increase in income...

