
Foguete privado...benefícios públicos?

Private rocket reaches record altitude


A privately-financed rocket ship has reached a record altitude of 65 kilometers (40 miles) during a test flight, its US makers announced Friday.

SpaceShipOne, with Mike Melvill as pilot, was carried Thursday from a base in California's Mojave desert up to about 16,000 metres (53,000 feet) on the back of an airplane and then launched, said its designer, Scaled Composites.

It safely returned to Earth after making its record breaking flight to the edge of space.

No private manned craft has ever reached such an altitude.

The project is now considered a frontrunner to win the 10 million dollar prize for the first privately funded space vehicle that can carry two passengers and a pilot to an altitude of 100 kilometers (62.5 miles) twice in two weeks.


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