
Enquanto isso, na Jordânia...

Outro dia foi um MIG (pós-Golfo) enterrado na areia, hoje mais alguns achados...enfim, tudo o que a mídia sempre quis. Pena que não querem mais noticiar isto. Afinal, tráfico ilegal de armas é algo importante para quem se diz preocupado com a paz.

20 Iraqi Missile Engines Found in Jordan; U.N. Says Looted Weapons, Equipment Shipped Abroad

Twenty banned Iraqi missile engines and other equipment that could be used to produce weapons of mass destruction were found in a Jordanian scrap yard, the Associated Press reported yesterday (see GSN, June 8).

Acting Chief U.N. Weapons Inspector Demetrius Perricos reported the discovery to the Security Council during a closed-door briefing.

The findings raise questions as to the whereabouts of Iraqi equipment that could be used to produce biological and chemical weapons and banned long-range missiles.


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