
Milton Friedman sobre Ronald Reagan

Vale a pena.

" Let me talk, rather, of those presidents who I've known in my own lifetime. And there, there's no doubt in my mind that Ronald Reagan was by far the greatest.

" took real principles to do what he did. For example, one of the things he was determined to do was to end inflation. Now, there's no way to end inflation without having recession. The month after Reagan became president, Paul Volcker (then head of the Federal Reserve) started to slow down the rate of monetary growth. And that did lead to a recession. And that recession led to a sharp decline in the President's poll ratings. In my mind there is no other president in my lifetime who would have stood by to support the Fed in those circumstances."

-- Milton Friedman, interviewed by David Asman of Fox News, May 15, 2004

Fonte: TCS: Tech Central Station - Reaganomics in Context


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