
Shaolin Trademark - imitadores serão processados

O templo de Shaolin é perfeitamente compatível com o mercado. Quem diz isto é o próprio pessoal de lá. Se você não acredita, veja o trecho a seguir: China's Shaolin temple, famous for its monks' martial-art skills, has applied for trademark registration in more than 80 countries to protect the authentic "Shaolin spirit" from being violated.

A survey by the China Trademark and Patent Law Office found that many countries were competing to register their own trademarks of Shaolin or Shaolin temple, the Xinhua news agency reported.

On the west coast of the United States alone, there are three Shaolin temples. In Europe, Shaolin temples can be found in Vienna and Budapest.

"These Shaolin temples have nothing to do with Shaolin temple in Songshan, Henan province," said Shi Yanlu, chief martial arts trainer of the Buddhist complex.

Shi Yongxin, abbot of the temple, added: "We cannot perform Shaolin kung-fu when going abroad for cultural exchanges otherwise the holder of the Shaolin kung-fu trademark in the local place would accuse us of violation."

Uma hora destas o pessoal africano patenteia a capoeira e aí acabou a festa brasileira... :D


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