
Taxa de câmbio...

Será que a China muda sua taxa de câmbio apenas de dez em dez anos?

Em um momento em que o governo brasileiro diz ser vantajoso aumentar as relações comerciais com a China, esta se torna uma questão pertinente. Leia mais clicando no trecho abaixo.

People's Bank of China governor Zhou Xiaochuan said it was too early to talk about a loosening of the yuan's peg to the dollar.

China's currency has been pegged at about 8.3 yuan to the dollar for the past 10 years, and Group of Seven industrialized countries have been pressing China to move to a more flexible exchange rate regime.

"It is still not the stage to talk about a specific technical arrangement," Zhou told journalists at the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors meeting in Berlin.

China has conceded that there is a need to revalue the yuan but officials say this will take time.

"Now China is in the preparation stage," Zhou said.


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