
Mulheres comprovam: quanto maior (a liberdade econômica), melhor!

Outro dia destes o Ari postou aqui um resumo de um artigo com o título mais ou menos engraçadinho do tipo: "mulheres comprovam: quanto maior o governo, melhor".

Trata-se de um artigo - se não me engano - bem teórico, onde se constrói um modelo que gera este resultado.

Mas, como eu também posso construir outro modelo e o leitor também, que tal olharmos um pouco para os dados?

Economic Freedom Is Good for Women

It's often thought that big government is good for women. For example, John Lott and Larry Kenny have a JPE paper documenting the expansion of government following women's suffrage. Similarly, it is also commonly remarked that women (especially single ones) like the security that big government supposedly provides. And, I strongly suspect that most feminists are in favor of larger government (Hillary-care anyone?).

In contrast, there's an increasing body of literature documenting the beneficial effects of economic freedom for women. Here's part of the abstract of a neat new paper documenting women's gain from liberty:

An alleged achievement of socialism was gender equality in the labour market. Has its collapse shattered this accomplishment? The theoretical literature and attendant empirical evidence are inconclusive. Using data for 2.9 million wage earners in Hungary, we find that the male–female difference in log wages declined from 0.31 to 0.19 between 1986 and 1998 and that this is largely explained by a matching decline in "Oaxaca's discrimination," suggesting extraordinary improvement of women's relative situation.

Similarly, in a 2003 Journal of Private Enterprise paper (sorry no link), my colleagues Gary Rosemane and Wilson Mixon find that greater economic freedom is associated with greater female life expectancy relative to male life expectancy.

Ou seja, agora entendo porque é que as mulheres dos filmes do Einsenstein eram tão feias...


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