
Quer realmente discutir ética empresarial? Então pense no trecho abaixo

Do Corporations Have Social Responsibility? by Walter Williams -- Capitalism Magazine: "Do corporations have social responsibility? Yes. Nobel Laureate Professor Milton Friedman put it best in 1970 when he said that in a free society 'there is one and only one social responsibility of business -- to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud.'

Only people, not businesses, have responsibilities. A CEO is an employee. He's an employee of shareholders and customers. When the corporate executive community fails to recognize that fact and engages in activities unrelated to the pursuit of profits, lower national wealth, higher product prices, and lower return on investment are the result. Corporate executives caving in to anti-capitalists' attacks will not buy peace. Capitulation only whets anti-capitalist appetites for bigger, bolder and more widespread attacks and extortion."


- Rei De Holanda Declara O Fim Do Estado De Bem-estar
Dutch King Willem-Alexander declares the end of the welfare state Youngest monarch in Europe says people must take responsibility for their own future and create their own social and financial safety nets. King Willem-Alexander delivered a message...

- A Organização Inteligente
From Library Journal Applying the principles of free markets and free enterprise to the structure of corporate organizations, the authors of Intrapreneuring ( LJ 3/1/85) outline an alternative to the cumbersome, pyramid-style, bottle-necking bureaucracy...

- O Legado De Roosevelt
The New Deal's True Legacy Chapter 9 – The Great Deformation – The Corruption of Capitalism in America by David Stockman THE NEW DEAL’S TRUE LEGACY Crony Capitalism and Fiscal Demise The new deal did not address the causes of the depression,...

Como o governo engorda em sua luta contra a obesidade Por que a administração Bush não segue uma política menos intrusiva em sua vida pessoal? Esta é uma pergunta que se faz, principalmente quando se pensa no problema da obesidade. Link e trecho:...

Open Source...mesmo? Siga o trecho abaixo para mais uma discussão sobre direitos de propriedade. TCS: Tech - Is the Penguin Contaminated? Open-source proponents claim that their products, like Linux, are more flexible and less "buggy" than proprietary...

