Rei de Holanda declara o fim do estado de bem-estar
Dutch King Willem-Alexander declares the end of the welfare state
Youngest monarch in Europe says people must take responsibility for their own future and create their own social and financial safety nets.
King Willem-Alexander delivered a message to the Dutch people from the government in a nationally televised address: the welfare state of the 20th century is gone.
In its place a "participation society" is emerging, in which people must take responsibility for their own future and create their own social and financial safety nets, with less help from the national government. .. "The classic welfare state of the second half of the 20th century in these areas in particular brought forth arrangements that are unsustainable in their current form."
O Neoliberalismo é Uma Ficçaõ
This is not a neoliberal age. This is an age of hyper-statism, where the state has far more control over our lives than it should do. Think that by buying yet another anti-capitalist tome means you're somehow "thinking outside the box"?...
Padrão Ouro
"In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone...
Os 10 Grandes Erros Da Política Econômica
The U.S. economy made impressive gains in the 20th century, but this progress makes it easy to forget a harsh reality: Americans were the victims of disastrous government policies that cost trillions of dollars in wasted resources, created mass unemployment,...
A Orígem Da Crise Europeia
To Thrive, Euro Countries Must Cut Welfare State
By Fredrik Erixon
"...Take the four countries at the epicenter of the euro-area crisis: Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. They are in many ways different, but they have three important characteristics...
O Estado Moderno De Bem-estar Como Agente Da Infantilização
Frederick Rauscher explica na Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy os limites da atividade do estado:
"There is only one innate right," says Kant, "Freedom (independence from being constrained by another's choice), insofar as it can coexist with the...