
Medo e governo

Eis um bom texto: The Political Economy of Fear - Mises Institute.

E, claro, destaque para a nota de rodapé número 3: "(...) the ruler does so when the present value of the expected additional tax revenue he will be able to collect from a more productive population exceeds the current cost of the investment that renders the people more productive. See also the interpretation advanced by Bates (2001, 56-69, 102), who argues that in western Europe the kings entered into deals with the merchants and burghers, trading mercantilist privileges and "liberties" for tax revenue, in order to dominate the chronically warring rural dynasties and thereby to pacify the countryside. Unfortunately, as Bates recognizes, the kings sought this enlarged revenue for the purpose of conducting ever-more-costly wars against other kings and against domestic opponents. Thus, their "pacification" schemes, for the most part, served the purpose of funding their fighting, leaving the net effect on overall societal well-being very much in question. Both Olson and Bates argue along lines similar to those developed by Douglass C. North in a series of books published over the past four decades; see especially North and Thomas 1973, and North 1981 and 1990."


- Entrevista Com Douglass C. North Sobre Desenvolvimento
Douglass Cecil North - Entrevista à Revista Veja Revista Veja (Edição 1830 . 26 de novembro de 2003) Entrevista: Douglass North Para um país enriquecer Prêmio Nobel de Economia afirma que só vão progredir os países que desenvolverem instituições...

- In Memoriam D.c. North - Lições Da Nova Teoria Institucional Para O Desenvolvimento
Are we all institutionalists now? What should development agencies really learn from the New Institutional Economics? John Nye discusses the impediments to growth in underdeveloped countries and explains why most reform attempts ignore the most important...

- Douglas C. North
Obituary: Douglass C. North, Nobel Prize-winning economist, 95 November 24, 2015 By Gerry Everding Douglass C. North, PhD, co-recipient of the 1993 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences and the Spencer T. Olin Professor Emeritus in Arts...

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