
Há dois motivos para testar o "óbvio"

O primeiro é que ele não é tão óbvio e o segundo, claro, é que eu não percebi que ele é óbvio (ou, claro, um terceiro seria o de que eu sei que é óbvio, mas quero ganhar dinheiro com isso...).

Lendo o título deste artigo fiquei sinceramente na dúvida entre qual dos motivos é o principal...

Authorizing Questions: Does IT Really Make Us Productive? Apr. 22, 2003 - It's taken for granted, just like Moore's Law: Technology makes people more productive. But researchers are going to test that notion. (By Larry Greenemeier)

Sure, information technology has become increasingly pervasive over the past few decades, but has it really made workers more productive? That's the quintessential question that MIT's new Information Work Productivity Center will pursue over the next few years.


- Produtividade
The future is here, just not evenly distributed by Alex Tabarrok on October 10, 2015 at 12:07 pm in Economics | Permalink Chiara Criscuolo at HBR discusses a new research report from the productivity...

- Pós-capitalismo
Postcapitalism is possible because of three major changes information technology has brought about in the past 25 years. First, it has reduced the need for work, blurred the edges between work and free time and loosened the relationship between work...

- Produtividade Eu
technology has distorted productivity measurements to the point where the government agencies tasked with determining it can no longer get an accurate number. Read more:

- Desigualdade Salárial Aumenta
The Economist online Income inequality is rising in rich countriesTHE gap between rich and poor has grown ever wider in wealthy countries over the past three decades. A new report by the OECD has reams of data on this phenomenon and is well worth looking...

Como surgem os direitos de propriedade? Belo paper do grande Herschel Grossman (pdf): Property Rights under Anarchy Resumo: Traditionally, general-equilibrium models have taken effective property rights to be given and have been concerned only with...

