Tema Para Discussão no Fórum Social Mundial

Redução de pobreza e melhoras na distribuição de renda no mundo, conforme os gráficos ao lado:
World poverty is falling. This column presents new estimates of the world’s income distribution and suggests that world poverty is disappearing faster than previously thought. From 1970 to 2006, poverty fell by 86% in South Asia, 73% in Latin America, 39% in the Middle East, and 20% in Africa. Barring a catastrophe, there will never be more than a billion people in poverty in the future history of the world."
Estes são os efeitos da "globalização neoliberal excludente", conforme o estudo de Pinkovskiy e Sala-i-Martin. Quais são as alternativas ao capitalismo e como elas melhoram esta dinâmica? Como fazer com que as alternativas propostas não sejam a catástrofe que irá aumentar a pobreza?
Pobreza No Mundo
Dois importantes papers sobre a pobreza no mundo: Xavier Sala-i-Martin - The world distribution of income: falling poverty and ... convergence, period. Shahoua Chen e Martin Ravallion - Absolute poverty measures for the developing world 1981-2004....
Pobreza E Colonialismo
Africa: A Tragic Continent
By Walter E. Williams
October 28, 2014
Poverty is not a cause but a result of Africa’s problems. What African countries need the West cannot provide. They need personal liberty. That means a political system in which...
O Fim Da Pobreza
The world’s next great leap forward
Towards the end of poverty
Nearly 1 billion people have been taken out of extreme poverty in 20 years. The world should aim to do the same again
Mulheres E O Progresso Econômico Na América Latina
Women key to Latin America economic progress
By Stephanie Leutert, CFR
Editor's note: Stephanie Leutert is a research associate at the Council on Foreign Relations. This entry of Latin America's Moment originally appeared here. The views...
Como Medir Pobreza - O Exemplo Da China
China's poverty line Life at the bottom of the middle kingdom This week China raised its rural poverty line to 2,300 yuan a year. It's about time. China's official definition of poverty has traditionally been quite miserly. In a 2008 paper...