Quão Grandes são os Multiplicadores de Dispêndio?

As decisões de consumo das famílias são melhor descritas pelo modelo de renda permanente do Milton Friedman e pelo modelo de ciclo de vida de Franco Modigliani ou pela teoria da função consumo keynesiana? Qual é o impacto, até agora, do pacote fiscal de estímulo econômico do governo Obama? John Cogan, John Taylor e Volker Wieland oferecem evidências empíricas de que a macroeconomia moderna (neoclássica, de expectativas racionais) é a que melhor explica os dados.
Incoming data will reveal more in coming months, but the data available so far tell us that the government transfers and rebates have not stimulated consumption at all, and that the resilience of the private sector following the fall 2008 panic--not the fiscal stimulus program--deserves the lion's share of the credit for the impressive growth improvement from the first to the second quarter. As the economic recovery takes hold, it is important to continue assessing the role played by the stimulus package and other factors. These assessments can be a valuable guide to future policy makers in designing effective policy responses to economic downturns."
O Que Significa "no Longo Prazo"?
'In the long run, we are all dead': What did Keynes really mean?
The impression that Krugman wants to convey is that only the stimulus-crowd wants to make things better now, but is he right?
By Mario Rizzo,
"... In empirical...
O Multiplicador Keynesiano Pode Ser Negativo
by Tobias Cwik and Volker Wieland
The global financial crisis has lead to a renewed interest in discretionary fiscal stimulus. Advocates
Evidências Do Fracasso Da Política Expansionista Americana
Daily Policy Digest
The U.S. Experience with Fiscal Stimulus
The Obama administration's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), better known as the "stimulus" package, reinvigorated the national debate regarding stimulus spending and...
Múltiplos De Zero
O Estímulo Fiscal, Um Ano Depois
Robert Barro, da Harvard University, investiga o tamanho dos multiplicadores de gastos e tributos e conclui, no WSJ: "We can now put the elements together to form a "five-year plan" from 2009 to 2013. The path of incremental government outlays over the...