Novo livro sobre Keynes
Skidelsky Discusses Keynes, Banking, Financial Crisis: Audio
Sept. 15 (Bloomberg) -- Robert Skidelsky, a Conservative member of the U.K. House of Lords and professor emeritus of political economy at Britain's Warwick University, talks with Bloomberg's Tom Keene about his new book ``Keynes: The Return of the Master,'' economic theory, mathematics, and banking policy and consolidation.

The Keynes Comeback - 2009?
From The Economist: The Keynes comeback A trio of new books celebrate the man and declare victory for his ideas. Keynes: The Twentieth Century’s Most Influential Economist. By Peter Clarke.Bloomsbury; 224 pages; £16.99. To be published in America...
Se Precisa Um Banco Central?
Rep. Ron Paul sponsored this Congressional lecture on "What Is the Fed's Future?", the final lecture in a three part series on the Federal Reserve System for Congressional staff. As a continuing educational tool this lecture was filmed and is provided...
Debate Keynes Contra Hayek
Keynes v HayekLondon School of Economics LSE and BBC Radio 4 public debate Date: Tuesday 26 July 2011
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building
Speakers: Professor George Selgin, Professor Lord Skidelsky, Duncan Weldon, Dr Jamie...
Se Precisa Nova Teoria Econômica
Edmund Phelps, director of the Center on Capitalism and Society, Columbia University, who won the 2006 Nobel Prize for economics, writes:
"What theory can we use to get us out of the impending slump quickly and reliably? To use the “new classical”...
Herança Maldita
Sobre o legado político das ideias de Keynes, de acordo com John Taylor: "Milton Friedman wrote a wonderful review essay on Keynes’ influence on economics and politics which touches on these issues and is still well worth reading. Friedman distinguished...