Keynes e Hayek (e Wicksell)

Roger Garrison explica:
"While standard accounts of the 1930s debates surrounding economic thought pit John Maynard Keynes against Friedrich von Hayek in a clash of ideology, this reflexive dichotomy is in many respects superficial. It is the argument of this book that both Keynes and Hayek developed their respective theories of the business cycle within the tradition of Swedish economist Knut Wicksell, and that this shared genealogy manifested itself in significant theoretical affinities between the two supposed antagonists. The salient features of Wicksell's work, namely the importance of money, the role of uncertainty, coordination failures, and the element of time in capital accumulation, all motivated the Keynesian and Hayekian theories of economic fluctuations. They also contributed to a fundamental convergence between the two economists during the 1930s. This shared, "Wicksellian" vision of economic problems points to a very different research agenda from that of the Walrasian-style, general equilibrium analysis that has dominated postwar macroeconomics..."
Goodspeed, Rethinking the Keynesian Revolution
Keynes, Hayek, Wicksell - Uma Nova Síntese
Rethinking the Keynesian Revolution: Keynes, Hayek, and the Wicksell Connection
Tyler Beck Goodspeed
Print publication date: 2012
Print ISBN-13: 9780199846658
Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: September 2012
DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199846658.001.0001...
A Batalha Hayek Contra Keynes Na China
Hayek on the standing committee
Who is winning the battle of economic ideas in China?
In the past year, the spirits of Keynes and Hayek have done battle for the minds of China’s policymakers. This month Andrew Batson of GK Dragonomics, a research...
Debate Macroeconômico - Keynes Contra Hayek
Keynes vs. Hayek: An Economics DebateWas John Maynard Keynes correct, can government fix the mass unemployment generated by a financial slump? Or is that a dangerous delusion as argued by his arch critic, Friedrich von Hayek? Sir Harold Evans chairs...
Se Precisa Nova Teoria Econômica
Edmund Phelps, director of the Center on Capitalism and Society, Columbia University, who won the 2006 Nobel Prize for economics, writes:
"What theory can we use to get us out of the impending slump quickly and reliably? To use the “new classical”...
Herança Maldita
Sobre o legado político das ideias de Keynes, de acordo com John Taylor: "Milton Friedman wrote a wonderful review essay on Keynes’ influence on economics and politics which touches on these issues and is still well worth reading. Friedman distinguished...