The world of investing is largely shaped by the varying economic schools of thought that individuals fall under. One of the best-known of these groups is the Keynsian school, which promotes a more hands-on government that has more control over a particular economy. Another big name in the world of economics is those that associate with the Austrian school of thought, which promotes a laissez-faire government that has little influence on the developments around it. As the years have gone on, the Austrian way of thinking has become incredibly popular, and has shaped a number of investors’ capital allocations [see also How to Play Schiff’s $5,000 Gold Prediction].
Most Active
The first group of Austrian Economics resources are what we defined (subjectively) as the most active of the list [see also The Ten Commandments of Commodity Investing].- Luwig von Mises Institute: The who’s-who of Austrian resources, this website is a go to for investors all around the world.
- Austrianomics: A good resource with regular postings regarding this particular economic approach.
- Bastiat Institute: A regularly-updated Austrian blog that focuses on economies all across the globe.
- Economic Thought: A relatively small but extremely active resource chock full of ideas and commentary.
- The Radical Subjectivist: An extremely active and bold blog for those looking for strong opinions.
- Freeman: A blog that features regular posts about things like “How the Government Destroys Wealth”.
- Thinking Machine Blog: A good blog that features regular posts.
- Economic Freedom: This blog aims to bring you the latest news, research, commentary and analysis on what is impacting your quality of life.
- Monty Pelerin’s World: This popular blog features readers in over 150 countries as it keeps pace with global economic news.
- Mercatus Center: A George Mason University-run website that has a nice, widespread focus.
- Economic Liberty: A blog that allows visitors to post and share their ideas with the world.
- Austrian Economics and Liberty: A blog that focuses on both writing and videos to educate investors.
The following blogs are run by institutions or on the behalf of institutions [for more commodity news subscribe to our free newsletter].- The Circle Bastiat: A blog with a global focus on the Austrian school.
- Adam Smith Institute: This blog focuses on the U.K. economy and was inspired by legendary philosopher/economist Adam Smith.
- Economic Mayhem: Though this blog is not updated quite as often as some of the others on the list, it still provides a nice resource for those looking for economic updates.
EconLog: A great resource and one of whose writers’ first book was named “Best Political Book of the Year” by the New York Times.
- Coordination Problem: A strong blog that is very focused on news and current affairs from an Austrian point of view.
- The Pretense of Knowledge: Though the blog is not specifically catered to economics, it carries the hands-off government ideals of most Austrians.
- Barnhart Investment: An Austrian blog ran by Barnhart Investment Advisory.
- Ted Bits: A great source for those new to Austrian Economics who are looking to get their feet wet.
- The Hayek Corner: Another strong Austrian resource.
- LRC Blog: Though not updated on a daily basis, this blog still has good commentary and interviews for readers to dive in to.
- The Daily Bail: An Austrian blog that tends to focus on the “doom and gloom” side of things.
- The Burning Platform: A blog that focuses both on Austrian economics as well as personal stories and commentary from the authors.
- Economic Policy Journal: A good source that features constant updates and articles.
- King World News: A blog very focused on precious metals while still applying the Austrian school of thought.
- TheMoneyIllusion: A blog that is specifically dedicated to monetary issues around the world.
- Critical Thinking Applied: Another well-versed economics resource.
- Freedom Line: An Austrian blog ran by the Center for Individual Freedom.
- Manifest Liberty: A blog with plenty to say on the current economic and political environment.
- Recovering Austrians: This blog actually focuses on dispelling the thoughts behind Austrian Economics, giving you a view from the other side.
- The Social Rationalist: A blog that focuses on economics, politics, and legal theory among other things.
The following blogs are run by individuals or on behalf of an individual [see also Four Commodities To Buy Before Roubini’s “Perfect Storm”].- Tom Woods: A well-written blog managed by a senior fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute who also boasts degrees from Harvard and Columbia University.
- Free Advice: A personal blog of economist Robert P. Murphy.
- Smiling Dave: Certainly one of the more entertaining economics blogs as the tagline promises to offer “gentle sarcasm”.
- Patrick Barron: An individual blog that allows investors to see a new side of the Austrian world, as told by a banking consultant.
- Peter Schiff Blog: One of the best-known and most trusted names in economics.
- Carpe Diem: A blog ran by a professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan.
- John Lott: A nicely-run blog with a personal touch from author John Lott.
- Diary of a Libertarian Nerd: The blog’s tagline reads “I felt alienated from my school-bag, and for once I grasped the intimate relationship between sarcasm and alienation”.