A Grande Depressão
Symposium on the Great Depression
Staff: Amity Shlaes, Former Hayek Senior Fellow for Political Economy
March 30, 2009 - New York, NY
"History is an argument without end. That is why we love it so."
These words come from the late scholar of the New Deal, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. Schlesinger in turn was quoting a colleague, the historian, Pieter Geyl. It is in Schlesinger's collegial spirit that the Council on Foreign Relations and NYU/Stern host scholars to discuss findings new and old about the single most important economic event in America's history, the Great Depression. What caused the Depression? What was the role of financial institutions in panic and recovery? What was the New Deal's role in this crisis? What lessons can we take away for dealing with our current crisis? Given the current challenges to the economy, a second look at that most relevant period becomes crucial. Nobel Prize winning economists, scholars, historians, writers, and policymakers will converge from across the country to both "get granular" and begin to draw broad conclusions in this day-long inquiry.

Cosponsor of this symposium is Dean Thomas Cooley of the Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University.
The conference is also supported by a special grant from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
Symposium Summary Report (PDF, 160K)
Lucas sobre a Grande Depressão
"Studying the experience of countries that have experienced great depressions during the twentieth century teaches us that massive public interventions in the economy to maintain employment and investment during a financial crisis can, if they distort...
Lições Da Grande Depressão
Causas da Grande Depressão
Hoover and Roosevelt
− The 1920s was a period of healthy economic growth until President Herbert Hoover instituted anti-market, anti-globalization, anti-immigration, and pro-cartelization policies, Edward Prescott...
Os Três Grandes Mitos Sobre A Grande Depressão
Historian Stephen Davies names three persistent myths about the Great Depression. Myth #1: Herbert Hoover was a laissez-faire president, and it was his lack of action that lead to an economic collapse. Davies argues that in fact, Hoover was a very interventionist...
Como A Política Econômica De Roosevelt Prolongou A Grande Depressão
President Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal," has long been credited with
rescuing the nation from the Great Depression of the 1930's. Lee
Ohanian, Professor of Economics at UCLA, challenges this conventional
wisdom in a provocative examination...
A Grande Depressão Na Perspectiva De Hoje
Lessons of the 1930sThere could be trouble aheadIn 2008 the world dodged a second Depression by avoiding the mistakes that led to the first. But there are further lessons to be learned for both Europe and America“YOU’RE right, we did it,” Ben Bernanke...