
Walter Williams, como sempre...

Only in America by Walter Williams -- Capitalism Magazine: "Here's my question for you: What are we to make of people who preach pessimism and doom to people -- telling them that they're poor because others are rich or telling blacks that they'll never make it because of societal racism? What are we to make of politicians, media pundits and college professors who preach the politics of envy -- telling people lies that the rich became rich off the backs of the poor? I grew up poor in a housing project in North Philadelphia, and those weren't the lessons prevalent a half-century ago. My mother used to preach that 'We have a beer pocketbook but champagne tastes.' And my stepfather used to admonish, 'If you want to make it in this world, you have to come early and stay late.'"


- Desenvolvimento
Wolfgang Fengler | The fixed cake fallacy: Why I was wrong to believe that rich countries are rich because poor countries are poor  At the global level, we believed in the “dependency theory,” which assumes that rich countries acquired...

- Economia Da Pobreza
Poverty Nonsense by Walter E. Williams Here's a recent statement frequently suggested by leftist academics, think tank researchers and policymakers: "People were not just struggling because of their personal deficiencies. There were structural...

Responsabildade Individual: esta funciona Eis aí um bom artigo do Walter Williams. How Not To Be Poor by Walter Williams -- Capitalism Magazine: "Ministers Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Washington, D.C.'s Mayor Anthony Williams...

Hernando de Soto Excelente discurso. Advancing Liberty Trecho: As Professor Friedman said in his remarks, the sorts of solutions that poor countries need are the kinds of things that developed countries did in the 19th Century, not the 21st Century....

- The Economist
Ganhei uma assinatura online da The Economist e vi alguns artigos interressantes: Sobre a felicidade "Capitalism can make a society rich and keep it free. Don't ask it to make you happy as well" Sobre a Daslu de São Paulo "This is São Paulo’s...

