UK fora

UK fora

Britain and the EU summit

Europe's great divorce

WE JOURNALISTS are probably too bleary-eyed after a sleepless night to understand the full significance of what has just happened in Brussels. What is clear is that after a long, hard and rancorous negotiation, at about 5am this morning the European Union split in a fundamental way.
In an effort to stabilise the euro zone, France, Germany and 21 other countries have decided to draft their own treaty to impose more central control over national budgets. Britain and three others have decided to stay out. In the coming weeks, Britain may find itself even more isolated. Sweden, the Czech Republic and Hungary want time to consult their parliaments and political parties before deciding on whether to join the new union-within-the-union.
So two decades to the day after the Maastricht Treaty was concluded, launching the process towards the single European currency, the EU's tectonic plates have slipped momentously along same the fault line that has always divided itthe English Channel....
Mr Cameron may have made a grievous mistake with regard to Britain's long-term interest...


- União Monetária Europeia
Political leaders in the euro zone have yet to determine a way out of the explosive economic turmoil they face. But Institute for New Economic Thinking Advisory Board member Harold James has an answer. Speaking at a recent UC Berkeley conference on the...

- A Posição Atual Da Alemanha Na Europa
Europe’s reluctant hegemon Germany, now the dominant country in Europe, needs to rethink the way it sees itself and the world, says Zanny Minton Beddoes Jun 15th 2013 |From the print edition From the football pitch to politics to...

- O Reino Unido Pode Sair Da Ue?
How Britain could leave Europe British grumpiness about the EU feels familiar: actually, big new dangers lurkBritish views of Europe may not have changed very much. But the EU is in unprecedented flux. There are scenarios that could see Britain stumbling...

- O Que Está Por Trás Da "crise Do Euro"?
Published on FINANCIAL SENSE (’s Behind the Euro Crisis and How Will It End?By Antony P. Mueller12/30/2011While the pronouncement of the “euro crisis” has become a main topic in the newsrooms and while a plethora...

- A Falta Que Boa Liderança Faz
Do Jeffrey Sachs, no Financial Times: "The last missing piece for any recovery, however, is clarity of purpose from the political class. In Europe, a coherent response led by the European Union has been sidelined to policymaking by national governments...

