Top ten

Top ten

Top ten things that I, Christian Wolf, would like to say to Hugo Chavez:

10- You say your government is democratic, are you nuts or just a really bad liar?

9- Do you really believe in communism or you just like being a real pain in the ass?

8- Are you related to that guy on tv?

7- Is it good to be the role model to the "perfect latin-american idiot"?

6-Do you believe that if everybody who doesn't like you was killed, the world would be a better place?

5- Do you have a project like that to make the world a better place?

4- The word is "Zevach Oguh".

3- How do you feel by turning the king of Spain into a hero?

2- Pat Robertson said that the US would save billions(that would be used in a war) if they killed you now. Will you make his profecy come true?

1- About your 12 hour speeches: "Porque no te callas?".


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