Teoria keynesiana

Teoria keynesiana

Hayek on Keynes:
The decisive assumption on which Keynes’s original argument rested and which has since ruled policy is that it is impossible ever to reduce the money wages of a substantial group of workers without causing extensive unemployment. The conclusion which Lord Keynes drew from this, and which the whole of his theoretical system was intended to justify, was that since money wages can in practice not be lowered, the adjustment necessary, whenever wages have become too high to allow “full employment,” must be effected by the devious process of reducing the value of money. A society which accepts this is bound for a continuous process of inflation.
From Sudha Shenoy’s excellent 1972 compilation, A Tiger by the Tail: The Keynesian Legacy of Inflation (p. 68).


- Keynes Sobre Inflação
By a continuous process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method, they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and while the process impoverishes...

- Pensamentos Sobre A Economia Do Cineasta Papola
John Papola Question/Challenge for my economist friends. The Mises/Hayek/Classical business cycle story is a story of mis-allocated capital due to monetary manipulation that sends systematically false price signals throughout the economy. It's...

- Keynes Sobre Inflação, Moeda E Déficits Fiscais
"...Keynes (1919 [1971], pp. 144, 149) laid responsibility for the inflation at the door of the “belligerent governments” during the war, most of whom were continuing to monetize their debts, rather than to pay for their expenditure by raising taxes...

- Tempos Modernos
“The damage and suffering caused by inflation during the course of history are enormous. Still, the worst excesses of inflation occurred only in the 20th century. This development was a consequence of the further technical development of money from...

Keynes e a Lei de SayHá uma crença generalizada entre os economistas de que John Maynard Keynes teria refutado a Lei de Say (ou lei dos mercados) em sua derradeira obra General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money de 1936, em que a partir daí,...

