Teoria econômica da escolha política - public choice

Teoria econômica da escolha política - public choice

Public Choice

by William F. Shughart II
About the Author
Public choice applies the theories and methods of economics to the analysis of political behavior, an area that was once the exclusive province of political scientists and sociologists. Public choice originated as a distinctive field of specialization a half century ago in the works of its founding fathers, Kenneth Arrow, Duncan Black, James Buchanan, Gordon Tullock, Anthony Downs, William Niskanen, Mancur Olson, and William Riker. Public choice has revolutionized the study of democratic decision-making processes.


- Neuroeconomics And Public Management
Revising the Fundamentals: Insights of Neuroeconomics for Economic Foundations of Performance-Related Pay in Public Management Utz Helmuth Transformations in Business & Economics - Vol. 8, No 1(16), 2009 ABSTRACT. This paper concentrates on recent findings...

- Teoria Da Escolha Pública
Fontes para a teoria da escolha pública "Public choice: politics without romance", by James Buchanan, Policy, Spring 2003 "The constitution of economic policy", by James Buchanan, Nobel Prize lecture, 1986 "The Calculus of Consent", by James Buchanan...

Randy Simmons É hoje a palestra do prof. Simmons no Rio Grande do Sul, sob patrocínio do Instituto Liberdade. Quem é Simmons? Randy Simmons is the head of the Political Science Department, and director of the Institute of Political Economy,...

Mas o que é Public Choice, professor? Pierre Lemieux tem um bom e pequeno artigo sobre isto. Em PDF, no link seguinte: The Public Choice Revolution Enjoy it!...

Existem bons livros nacionais sobre Public Choice? Sim. E o mais novo é este. Se eu fosse você, comprava logo. Aliás, a Public Choice Society está com sede fixa agora!...

