Tecnologia cria emprega

Tecnologia cria emprega

Technology has created more jobs than it has destroyed, says 140 years of data

Study of census results in England and Wales since 1871 finds rise of machines has been a job creator rather than making working humans obsolete


- Sem Tecnologia Não Tem Sobrevivência
O material jornalístico produzido pelo Estadão é protegido por lei. Para compartilhar este conteúdo, utilize o link:http://politica.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral,liberdade-de-imprensa-corre-risco-afirma-jurista,1626556 Without Technology, You’d...

- Tecnologia
The Mismeasure of Technology "... governments promote schooling, free trade, property rights, social programs, and the Internet, and yet their countries’ economies remain stuck. If technology is just devices and ideas, what is holding them back? The...

- Os Bancos São Absoletos
Banks Are Obsolete: The Entire Parasitic Sector Can Be Eliminated   (February 20, 2014) What else can we do with the $1.25 trillion we'll save by eliminating these obsolete financial middleman parasites? A lot. Technology has leapfrogged...

Interessante esta Dissertação do mestrado profissional da FGV/RJ. Para aqueles que gostam de Estatística: BINGO: ALEATÓRIO OU MANIPULADO? por Heitor Jose de Souza orientação Marcelo Fernandes. ABSTRACT His study comprises the analysis...

Esse outro deve interessar a alguém....hehe... Money, Sex, and Happiness: An Empirical Study David G. Blanchflower, Andrew J. Oswald NBER Working Paper No. w10499 Issued in May 2004 ---- Abstract ----- This paper studies the links...

