Stockman explica a crise

Stockman explica a crise


- História Dos Calotes Argentinos
Argentina’s Long History of Economic Booms and Busts By Shane Roming BUENOS AIRES –Argentina has defaulted on its external debt seven times and on its domestic debt five times since independence...

- Divida Japonesa
Japan’s Debt Exceeds 1 Quadrillion Yen as Abe Mulls Tax Rise By Mayumi Otsuma - Japan’s national debt exceeded 1,000 trillion yen for the first time, underscoring the case for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to proceed with a sales-tax increase...

- Sobre Paul Krugman
Overrated   Overrated: Paul Krugman JOHN PHELAN July/August 2012 From his perch in the New York Times he says one ridiculous thing after another. In the British context Krugman's risible thesis is that the economy is...

- A Crise Japonesa Continua
Three Reasons Japan’s Economic Pain Is Getting Worse Japan’s economic problems are serious and getting worse. Foremost among them is the crushing burden of government debt. Japan’s ratio of government debt to gross domestic product, currently...

- Lições Da História E A Dívida Americana
Os EUA passam hoje por uma crise de confiança, que pode levar a uma crise de liquidez (como Itália e Espanha) e com menor probabilidade a uma crise de solvência. Christina Romer parece sugerir como evitar que a crise de confiança degenere em coisas...

