Recursos para Macro II e Macro III

Recursos para Macro II e Macro III

"... Who is to blame for the state of the world economy? To listen to a range of presidents, investors, pundits and finance ministers, just one country: Germany.
U.S. President Barack Obama suggests the Germans are sending the world back into recession. George Soros says they are destroying the euro. French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde thinks they are pushing the euro area into deflation.
It is all crazy.
Germany’s huge trade surplus isn’t part of the problem. Handicapping the strongest link won’t help the European economy. And Germany couldn’t change direction now even if it wanted to. Instead of criticizing the Germans, other nations should be learning from the world’s second-biggest exporter. German brands such as Siemens AG, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG and Bayer AG didn’t just appear for no reason...
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- Os Dois Lados Da Economia Alemã
"... Germany is rightly known for Porsches and BMWs that are coveted by affluent buyers around the world, as well as much of the machinery that keeps factories running from China to Michigan. Alongside the export juggernaut, though, is another, creakier...

- Foi A Alemanha Que Mais Ganhou Com O Euro
Empirical and Thematic Perspectives Germany’s “Windfall” from Euro-Area Membership and European Imbalances  In an essay published last week, we argued that European monetary union, coupled with Germany’s extraordinary wage restraint, has...

- Alemanha - Mercado De Trabalho
How Germany retained jobs despite downturn — and what it means for usBy Zachary RothAs the United States struggles to replace the 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession, it makes sense to look at the one developed nation that came out of the global...

- China Número 1 Em Exportações
FRANKFURT (AFP) - – China and its population of 1.3 billion has overtaken Germany, population 82 million, as the world's top exporter, trade figures from the German national statistics office showed on Friday. From January to November, Chinese exports...

- Políticas Contra A Crise
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Japan and China on Friday backed government spending to fight the global financial crisis, ahead of a G20 meeting at which the United States and Europe are split over the need for more aggressive stimulus measures. Japanese Finance...

