Quem é responsável para a crise europeia?

Quem é responsável para a crise europeia?

Who's Responsible For the Euromess?

A few days ago Tyler Cowen kicked off a discussion of whether or not Germany (and the core European countries in general) have acted more virtuously than Greece (and the periphery countries in general) during the decade since the euro was introduced. It was unclear how much he was simply presenting a debating case vs. how much he actually believed his own arguments, and in that spirit I want to present a different case. This one is about how Europe got where it is today and who deserves a bigger share of the blame for its current mess. I'm not suggesting this is the only way to look at things, or even necessarily the best way, but I do think it's an instructive way. So here it is in seven easy steps.
Veja também: Antony Mueller, What's behind the euro crisis and how will it end?


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