

Quantitative Easing – Folly or Method?

While the failure of fiscal policy is widely recognized, monetary policy still enjoys credibility. Yet monetary policy is like shooting in a dark room. Monetary policy suffers from a profound pretense of knowledge. When central banks are not able to fulfill their claim and promote economic growth, employment and price stability, the question comes up what their real mission is. The Federal Reserve System was founded in with the intention to safeguard the big players of the financial system. Now we are fully back at this paradigm. The main purpose of quantitative easing is not to promote prosperity in the first place but to help the banking sector to stay afloat.


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Quantitative Easing – Folly or Method? By Antony P Mueller10/05/2012 While the failure of fiscal policy is widely recognized, monetary policy still enjoys credibility. Yet monetary policy is like shooting in a dark room. Monetary policy...

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Quantitative Easing – Folly or Method? by Antony P Mueller10/05/2012 While the failure of fiscal policy is widely recognized, monetary policy still enjoys credibility. Yet monetary policy is like shooting in a dark room. Monetary...

