Press Conference

Press Conference

The Inspector General will conduct a Press Conference, 17 January 2006

The Inspector General of RDTL, Manuel C.C Bucar Corte Real, will conduct a press conference in his office on Thursday, 18 January 2007 at 3 pm.

In this press conference, the Inspector General will explain some important points such as: Order from HE Prime Minister Dr Jose Ramos-Horta to the office of Inspector General to investigate the use of the government vehicles, investigation on government properties, and investigation regarding uncontrolled use of electricity and telephone facilities in the government's institution.

At the same time, the Inspector General will explain the underway investigation towards the airport tax, and finally, with a view of decentralizing the activities of Inspector General, he will discuss the national visit program to the districts.

Therefore, we would like to invite all media to participate in this press conference.



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