Portugal, a seguir à Grécia

Portugal, a seguir à Grécia

No New York Times Debt Crisis Watch Turns to Portugal em destaque no Google.
O texto é uma descrição terrível da situação económica e financeira portuguesa.
Alguns exemplos:
That Greece and Portugal are among those in the worst trouble is well known, with both likely to be ensnared in a trap of stubbornly high debt, weak competitiveness and stagnant growth for years. Less remarked upon is that their savings rates — 6 percent of gross domestic product for Greece and 7.5 percent for Portugal — are the lowest by far among developed countries. By comparison Italy has a savings rate of 17.5 percent, Spain 20 percent and France and Germany at 19 percent and 23 percent, respectively.
For Athens and Lisbon, it is a toxic combination: low reserves of capital at a time that the cost of new debt is increasing, while their ability to generate tax revenue needed to pay for these obligations is shrinking because of tough austerity measures.
(...) unlike the United States and Britain, Greece and Portugal, as members of the euro zone, do not have the luxury of printing money to depreciate their currencies and thus export their way to recovery.  Portugal, perhaps even more than Greece, has suffered in this respect [impossibildiade de desvalorizar a moeda]. Portuguese exporters have been losing market share to competitors since entering the common currency in 2000. That, in turn, has pushed the government to borrow from abroad to finance the current account deficit, thus pushing debt to current levels.

More serious, Portugal, unlike Greece, Ireland and Spain, did not experience the positive effects of the long period of growth reflecting low interest rates and has not experienced any improvement of its G.D.P. per capita over the past 15 years.

Uma descrição aterradora da situação em que está Portugal e dos riscos que pode enfrentar.
A taxa de poupança passou a ser um dos indicadores de referência para quem está a analisar as economias em risco na Zona Euro.


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